Cube and enviroment
My cube project is basically about how man shapes and is shaped by the environment. I hope to portray a positive image of a potent humanity: we make things work. My hope is that the cube will work as an abstraction, both on a semantic level, and on an aesthetic level.
The images are really meant to be experienced printed in a big format, with heights between 80 and 120 cm, and are stitched to achieve a level of detail that invites the spectator to close scrutiny, staging an exploration of the world - both the world of the image, but also - because the body is activated - the world of the spectator: the gallery space where this message is presented. This material world is the world where we live.
I actually burnt this cube, on this spot, in an emotional outburst from the intensity of the whole experience around this picture. Even if that was not on my mind when I created it, with such a title it seemed fitting to sacrifice the cube and all my endless hours of folding and tearing the paper. In hindsight, I also reckon a story about experiencing setbacks as part of our life experience.
Exhibition at Kystens Arv
"The starship" set the tone of the exhibition of "From the eyes, he made window panes" at the entry to the mezzanine. Everything starts with what we use our hands for. Hopefully, it doesn't end there.
It is quite an experience to see a fragment of the world with this level of detail. I am very happy with the result.
Working on the "Rite of spring"
A little BTS from the building of the cube used for "Rite of spring". With English subtitles (see CC symbol down right).